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GNU Generation externs / unipoly / volunteers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Florian Vessaz / pkg-pam
OtherUpdated -
Les TPs du cours systèmes informatiques ainsi que les documents de son cours.
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Roosemberth Palacios / epfl-scripts
Apache License 2.0Collection of useful scripts when you are spending time at EPFL.
Contribution are welcomed, feel free to open issues and propose patches or new script.
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glouglou : an API to make openGL calls easier. The goal : a node based shader editor to be combined with a geometry editor. grapher : first program using Glouglou, to graph things.
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Florian Vessaz / epfl-scripts
Apache License 2.0Some useful scripts for spending one's time at the EPFL.
Contribution is welcomed. Feel free to open issues and merge requests (fixes, improvements, new features/scripts).