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Scripts running on rapperswil to obtain certificates and push them into Git.
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glouglou : an API to make openGL calls easier. The goal : a node based shader editor to be combined with a geometry editor. grapher : first program using Glouglou, to graph things.
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The status website for the gnugen lan. https://gnugeneration.epfl.ch/games/
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Scripts synchronizing LDAP groups with mlmmj lists.
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OpenTofu Mirror ( https://gitlab.com/components/opentofu/ )
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Règlement interne de la GNU Generation. Demandé par l'AGEPoly au semestre de printemps 2019.
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Program that, given as input a shellcode in some reduced Instruction Set, outputs a series of addresses within a provided binary which when given as input to a buffer-overflow-vulnerable program will result in the execution of the shellcode thru ROP.
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Les TPs du cours systèmes informatiques ainsi que les documents de son cours.